Remembering 42 years of Christies South Kensington Auctions

Remembering 42 years of Christies South Kensington Auctions

Remembering 42 years of Christies South Kensington Auctions 620 412 Jack Bitton

The final Curtain call

With the disappearance of Christie’s South Kensington, the London market is in a state of flux. At its peak in the 80’s and 90’sholding eight or more sales a week, Christie’s South Kensington was both a seemingly never-ending source of middle range chattels ad a kind of R&D department for a range of collecting area from posters to polyphons.

There might be less meat left on the CSK carcass than some are hoping. Meanwhile, away from the digital revolution the sound of jostling for position is growing louder. People are looking for alternative methods without the astronomically high commission rates.

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